Prof. Dr. Maren Urner 

Neuroscientist | Professor of Media Psychology | Co-Founder Perspective Daily | Bestselling Author


Maren Urner stands for scientific expertise and a sustainable way of thinking paired with charm and wit. She explains to her listeners what we gain when we understand the aberrations of our brain better – as individuals, professionally and socially.

As a pioneer for a „brain-friendly information culture“, she acts as a speaker and source of inspiration. The much sought-after and empathic neuroscientist not only entertains her audience, but also takes them along and literally shakes them awake.

Whether it is a keynote speech in an official setting or an intensive workshop in a small group: Maren Urner invites her audience to question themselves and their own perception. She pleads for a look beyond one’s own nose and often dares to venture new perspectives.

„Talking about problems creates problems. Talking about solutions creates solutions.“ (Steve de Shazer)