Aishwarya Sridhar

Naturschützerin- und Fotografin


Mumbai, India

Das ist Aishwarya:


Aishwarya Sridhar ist eine preisgekrönte Filmemacherin, Fotografin und Moderatorin, die es liebt, die Wildnis zu erkunden. Ihr erster Dokumentarfilm wurde auf DD National (Indiens staatlichem Fernsehsender) ausgestrahlt und hat dazu beigetragen, die letzten verbliebenen Feuchtgebiete von Mumbai zu schützen. Sie arbeitet mit lokalen Fischergemeinschaften, Nichtregierungsorganisationen und dem Staat zusammen, um den Schutz der Feuchtgebiete in Maharashtra auf politischer Ebene zu erreichen und ist das jüngste Mitglied des State Wetland Brief Documentation Committee.

Aishwarya Sridhar is an award winning wildlife film-maker, photographer and presenter, who loves to explore the wilderness. Her debut documentary was telecast on DD National (India’s state owned broadcaster) and has helped protect the last remaining wetlands of Mumbai. She is working with the local fishing communities, NGOs and the state towards policy level protection for wetlands in Maharashtra and is the youngest member of the State Wetland Brief Documentation Committee.

During the COVID-19 lockdown, she directed and presented an 8-part digital series for WWF-India which focuses on inculcating the love for wildlife in children through Origami. Recently she hosted “Nature For Future“ on Discovery Channel India- a unique wildlife chat show focusing on India’s most endangered species. Her work has been featured in international and national newspapers and magazines like BBC Wildlife, Guardian, Mongabay, Digital Camera, Times of India, Sanctuary Asia, Saevus to name a few. She also regularly dabbles as a podcast producer and host with WildLens Collective for their show “Earth to Humans“. Recently she became the first Indian woman to win at the 56th Wildlife Photographer of the Year, London for her image “Lights of Passion“.