Seattle, USA

Jamie Margolin | Youthtopia Voice

Umwelt- und Gleichberechtigungsaktivistin | Autorin

Das ist Jamie:


Jamie Margolin ist eine 18-jährige kolumbianisch-amerikanische Aktivistin, Autorin, Rednerin und Film- und Fernsehstudentin an der NYU. Sie ist Mitbegründerin der internationalen Jugendbewegung für Klimagerechtigkeit namens Zero Hour, die im Sommer 2018 die offiziellen „Youth Climate Marches“ in Washington, DC und 25+ Städten auf der ganzen Welt anführte. Im September 2019 sagte sie zusammen mit Greta Thunberg vor dem US-Kongress aus und forderte die Politiker auf, dringende Klimaschutzmaßnahmen zu ergreifen.

Jamie Margolin is an 18-year-old Colombian-American organizer, activist, author, public speaker, and Film & TV student at NYU. She is co-founder of the international youth climate justice movement called Zero Hour that led the official „Youth Climate Marches“ in Washington, DC and 25+ cities around the world during the summer of 2018. Zero Hour has over 200+ chapters worldwide and has been a leading organization in the climate movement. Jamie helps lead Zero Hour in organizing marches, rallies, educational campaigns, strikes, summits, tours, and lobby days, including the „2019 Youth Climate Summit” in Miami Florida and the Youth Climate Lobby Days on Capitol Hill both in 2018 and in 2019. Jamie is also a plaintiff on the Our Children’s Trust Youth v. Gov Washington state lawsuit, Aji P. vs. State of Washington, suing the state of Washington for denying her generation their constitutional rights to a livable environment by worsening the climate crisis.

Jamie is the author of countless thought provoking Op-Eds for various publications such as The New York Times, Teen Vogue, The Washington Post, TIME Magazine, DAZED, Refinery29, and The Guardian. Jamie’s debut book, „Youth To Power: Your Voice and How To Use It” is out, and it serves as a guide to organizing and activism. Jamie represents Zero Hour at international leadership events like the C40 Mayors summit and the UN Youth Climate Summit, and has gone on several national and international speaking tours, speaking to audiences all over the world about climate justice.

In September of 2019 she testified before the US Congress alongside fellow youth activist Greta Thunberg, holding her leaders accountable to taking urgent climate action. Jamie served as a surrogate for the Bernie Sanders 2020 Presidential Campaign, speaking at several campaign rallies (including the 2020 Tacoma Dome rally to an audience of over 17 thousand people), filming campaign endorsement videos, and doing outreach to get out the vote for Bernie Sanders.